Making an Impact in Your Brand

When it comes to making a memorable, powerful name for your brand, there’s one simple tool that can be your biggest, most valuable asset – clear, cohesive branding. 

Now, keep in mind that effective branding for your business is about so much more than having pretty logos, colors, and fonts – which is what many people think of when they think about branding. 

The truth is that while aesthetics are important, branding goes deeper – communicating your brand’s identity, personality, values, and goals with the right people. Let’s take a look at how to deepen your brand’s impact through branding – why it’s important, where to focus your efforts, and how to elevate your message and identity through it all. 

Why is branding so important?

In 2023, it’s getting harder and harder to capture the attention of potential customers, because there are simply so many competitors out there – all of whom are vying for clicks, views, comments, etc. 

To make a real impact, you have to first stand out from all the noise. This doesn’t mean just looking different from other brands, because your audience is seeking connection and authenticity now more than ever. So, you have to stand out the right way – which is where effective branding comes in. 

Branding can influence your audience’s perceptions and feelings about your business, either negatively or positively. Branding has the power to connect with and attract the right people to your brand – increasing sales, raising brand value, and driving your business forward towards your goals. 

Where should you focus your branding efforts? 

There are certain touchpoints – ways of interacting with customers – that can help inspire reactions and actions from your audience. These interactions happen constantly with people, shaping the overall reputation and impact of your brand.

Here are a few examples of touchpoints to focus on for a larger brand impact: 

  • Website
  • Social media
  • Packaging
  • Business cards

People are engaging with your brand throughout the day – whether they land on your website, see a social media post, encounter your packaging materials somewhere, or come across a business card. The goal is to capture attention quickly with your branding, but also make sure you are cohesive across all your various touchpoints. 

How cohesive branding impacts perceptions and experiences

Imagine if someone came across an Instagram post from your brand. They found it clear and compelling, and decided to check out your website as a result. Unfortunately, the messaging on your website gave them an entirely different reaction, because it wasn’t in line with what they first felt on social media. 

This happens a lot in marketing. Interest can be lost just as quickly as it’s formed, and inconsistent branding in design or messaging can lead to confusion or frustration from potential customers. This can harm your business by deterring customers, and by lowering your reputation, making cohesiveness a top priority for your branding efforts. 

How to improve your impact through branding

Now that it’s clear that branding can have a large impact on the reputation, success, and future of your business, let’s talk about simple ways to elevate your branding efforts to make sure what people see is your intended message. 

1. Get clear about your mission, goals, and values

Before any marketing materials go out into the world, make sure you and everyone in your company is clear on the desired message – what you want your company to stand for – then be intentional with how it’s communicated. 

2. Build trust through authenticity

Consumers don’t need empty promises or over-zealous claims. They want consistency, growth, and continued trust – with reassurance that what they see on the outside also matches what is delivered. 

3. Be consistent

Follow through matters…a lot! Whatever your branding is communicating with the world, you also need to be sure it’s accurate and truthful to all actions, messaging, and words coming from your brand. Then, be sure every different channel, platform, and touchpoint can cohesively communicate the same thing. 

At Dekree Studio, we help brands make their desired impact through clear, authentic, consistent branding that communicates the desired message across all different touchpoints and interactions. 

Check out some of our work here! 

If you like what you see, we’d love to chat about working together to elevate your brand’s impact through personalized marketing services!