How to Know When it’s Time for a Company Rebrand

The idea of a company rebrand might sound exciting, but also daunting. We get it! When you’re caught up in the daily tasks of running a business and keeping up with your clients, orders, services, etc, it’s hard to know when and how a rebrand fits into the mix. 

But you know what? Company rebrands are an important part of the growth cycle of successful businesses – even when they’re already booming. So, let’s look at the clear signs that it’s time for some updates and what the process looks like to ensure a smooth and successful company rebrand.

What are the main benefits of a company rebrand? 

The process of rebranding your business can be a great way to get a leg up on competitors and appeal to more of your target audience by reshaping the way your brand is seen, perceived, and experienced. 

You already know a company can’t stay the same forever. People change, needs change, the world changes… you get the idea. The important thing to remember is that while change is inevitable – both in and outside your company – your branding needs to always reflect and align with where you’re at now, as well as your vision and goals for the future. 

A company rebrand helps keep you fresh in the minds of your loyal customers while appealing to new leads and staying relevant in your marketplace. 

It’s not just about updating your visual identity – the website, colors, fonts, etc. A company rebrand could also include changes to your brand’s name, tagline, messaging, and marketing strategy. Of course, the extent of your own company rebrand depends entirely on you – where you’re at, what your goals are, and what needs to shift to allow long-term growth and continued success. 

So, how do you know when it’s time to rebrand? 

Notice how we keep saying “when” to rebrand… not “if”. Because the truth of the matter is, it’s going to happen. A growing, successful company will need to consider some branding adjustments every 5-10 years, but here are the main signs to look out for:

  • You’ve made changes to your goals, values, mission, or business strategy
  • People are having trouble differentiating your brand from competitors
  • You’re going through a merger or acquisition 
  • You want to connect with a new target audience or demographic
  • Something negative has affected your brand’s image and you want to dissociate
  • You want to appeal to and attract top-talent new hires

These are just a few of the signs that a rebrand is needed, and every brand will face their own changes, challenges, and opportunities. Honestly, if you’re here, wondering if it’s time for a rebrand, well, you probably already know the answer. But rebranding for you can mean anything from making a few updates to completely transforming your brand. 

A partial vs. total rebrand

If the idea of rebranding sounds terrifyingly time and energy-consuming, you may be imagining a total rebrand, which isn’t always necessary. There are times when starting completely fresh is the way to go – like when you’re facing a huge foundational shift – but partial rebrands are much more common and highly effective. 

A partial rebrand will stay true to the recognizable features of your brand, while adjusting only the chosen or outdated elements. When it comes to things like expanding your audience or standing out from the crowd, you want to maintain all the things that people already love about your brand, so you don’t lose customers or sales in the process. 

Knowing what aspects of your brand need to change, however, is entirely dependent on you and your unique goals. That’s why working with the right branding agency can make all the difference, and why finding your team is the first step of the process. 

5 steps to a successful company rebrand

1. Recruit a design team you trust to guide you through your rebranding process

Creating custom solutions for unique brands is what we do best at Dekree Studio. If you want to get the ball rolling, reach out here to chat about your potential rebrand!

2. Lots and lots of research

Before any changes can be made, you need to know what’s working and what’s not, and a brand strategy audit is a great place to start. You’ll want to put every area of your current branding under a microscope, while also doing a deep dive into your competitors, market, and target audience.

3. Test potential changes before diving in head-first

With adequate research, you may find a few areas of your branding efforts that need some TLC. Before going all in, though, be sure to check in with how these changes will appeal to your audience and market. 

4. Create your rebrand strategy

All that knowledge and data you’ve acquired so far? It’s time to formulate it into a plan for your rebrand. You’ll want to have a clear vision of what’s changing, how it will happen, and what sort of timeline you’re working with.

5. Get ready to launch

Launches aren’t just for new brands, but also for the reintroduction of rebranded businesses. To make sure your rebranding efforts have a positive effect on your brand’s growth you’ll want to let people know what’s happening, so don’t skip this part! 

Ready to take the first step in building your own, customized rebrand strategy? We’ve got you covered! Let’s chat about how experts at Dekree Studio can help your business adapt, grow, and thrive. Contact us today!